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The Skinny on Corsets

Now add in the fact that more and more people are buying corsets on the Internet, and you can see where it becomes even more difficult.The good news is that with a few tips, you will be picking out the perfect corset --- one that's meant to thin you down and make you look hot, no matter how cold it is outside.

 Real corsets have steel boning 
Confusingly, there are bodices, which look somewhat like corsets -- and then there are true corsets. Bodices will be much cheaper in both price and quality, and they will not have any boning of any kind in them. The boning in corsets is necessary to keep that taut design that stops the corset from folding with your body. If you're looking at a corset in a shop, you should be able to bend it to test the boning. If it does not snap back, there may be a problem. In fact, if the boning isn't done the right way and you notice it kinking instead of snapping back, that's a sign that it will press and dig into your flesh, which could become quite uncomfortable.

 Make sure the fabric is high quality 
There are fashion corsets, and then there are real, traditional corsets. A silk corset that has no strong fabric underneath it is called a fashion corset. It's more like a bodice in the fact that you want the corset look without the expense. True corsets need to have strong fabric, such as heavyweight canvas, which supports the structure. This is not necessarily the outer layer that people see. Actually, there is usually a fashion layer that has fabric more pleasing to the eye. You should be able to yank on a corset's fabric without anyone worrying that you're going to rip it apart.

 Lace-up corsets need strong laces 

Fashion magazines often paint pictures of corsets with ribbons running down a woman's back with everything looking and fitting beautifully. While it might look lovely, these won't last unless the ribbon is somehow incredibly strong. Most lace-up corsets use something similar to shoe strings because these get the job done nicely, and they won't give too much or break too easily.

 Sizes are different 
When you are buying a corset, you need to make sure that you realize the sizes are not standard dress sizes. Corsets are sized by waist sizes and measurements, so the size number will be centered on the actual size of your waist in inches.Generally you will want to choose a corset that is a little bit 

smaller than your waist in order to attain 

that curvy, hourglass figure.

 Don't cheap out 

Most importantly, remember that with corsets you get what you pay for, so be prepared to get the type of corset you are willing to buy. If you are not willing to spend over one hundred dollars, chances are you are not going to get anything of a decent quality. You will be better off saving up your money for a good corset, rather than buying just anything you can afford. You might feel it is expensive, but a high-quality corset will last for years.